Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Flaunch Party!!

I have come to a strong realization. In order to truly understand what goes down in the world of Fes! you must first either quit your job, or show up so drunk that your boss has no choice but to fire you. Have a serious alcohol problem, (drug problem optional, but in no way condoned). Sleep through most of the day, only to awake with a serious case of the shakes, and only to be solved by more drinking. Play atleast one instrument atleast decently well enough to be able to rock out on it when you are fwasted to the point of double, triple, and or quadruple vision. Have broken atleast one bone that is not your finger. And finally, put uneccessary, yet quite neccessary F's in front of words such as, Fword, Frince, Fnot, Fno, Fladies, Fmaybe and Ffuck! That is all for now and I hope everyone has learned something today. Sha-ooters!

1 comment:

april said...

fwell let me start by saying.. FES! not only did i almost get fired for being wasted at work, its 3 pm and im drinkin a beer, just to rid my shakes. i have broken many a bone, and lets just say i am becoming the new fmaster of the fairguitar. does that cover it?!!? .... oh ya, one last thing... shooters? FOR THE FLADIES!! fes.